2009年にお別れ 2010年を迎える
発信時間: 2009-12-31 | チャイナネット

Students arrange themselves to form the year '2010' to welcome the upcoming New Year at a primary school in Hefei, Anhui province December 30, 2009. [China Daily/Agencies]


Students pose for a photo wearing spectacle frames shaped in the number '2010' to welcome the upcoming New Year at a primary school in Hefei, Anhui province December 30, 2009.[China Daily/Agencies]


Peking Opera artists perform during a gala to mark the New Year at the National Center for the Performing Arts in Beijing, December 30, 2009.[Xinhua]

Peking Opera artists perform during a gala to mark the New Year at the National Center for the Performing Arts in Beijing, December 30, 2009.[Xinhua]



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· 広州 朝鮮族の踊り「象帽舞」で新年祝う

· 蘇州で「寒山寺の新年の鐘の音を聞く」イベント

· 中国経済 新年から始まる新規定(2)

· 新年の準備に輝く蘇州の街

· 「トラの凧」で新年を祝う



· 北京 大雪にキャラクターの帽子

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· 中国各地、年明けを祝う

· 2009年にお別れ 2010年を迎える

· 蘇州で「寒山寺の新年の鐘の音を聞く」イベント